Custom Software Development Guide_ How to Build a Product You’ll Be Proud Of
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Custom Software Development Guide: How to Build a Product You’ll Be Proud Of

36 min read
New Product


Custom software development allows businesses to create tailored solutions that meet specific needs, offering greater flexibility, scalability, and control. This guide will walk you through the essential steps of building a software product, from defining requirements to choosing the right development team. In this article, I’ll explore: 

  • what is the difference between custom and out-of-the-box software 
  • key types of custom software development products
  • what the custom software development process looks like
  • what are the challenges of this process and how to overcome them
  • how to choose a software development team and measure the ROI of your software development project 

Custom Software vs Out-of-the-Box Solutions

Out-of-the-box solutions are ready-made products you can find on the market to solve your specific tasks. These solutions come with a predefined set of features and limited customization options, which may work nicely for general needs but can lead to limitations if the business requires specific functionalities or scalability as it grows.

Custom software is tailored to your business needs, providing complete control over features, design, and integrations. It provides a competitive edge by fully aligning with your unique business workflows. Even though this approach requires a higher initial investment in development, it usually turns out to be effective in the long run with benefits in efficiency, flexibility, and alignment with business goals.

While custom software offers long-term flexibility and competitive advantages, out-of-the-box solutions deliver quick, cost-effective options for immediate needs. The best choice depends on your goals, budget, and specific requirements.

8 Key Types of Custom Software Development Products

Let’s dive into the key types of software products by technology specifics and business goals they can meet.

# Type Business Purpose Examples Benefits
1 Web Applications To deliver accessible online services and features, facilitate collaboration, and reach a broader audience E-commerce platforms, booking systems, content management systems (CMS), and service portals Web applications offer accessibility across devices, making them ideal for businesses looking to reach a broad user base
2 Progressive Web Applications (PWA) To deliver greater user satisfaction while reducing development and maintenance costs with a single codebase for web and mobile E-commerce platforms, news sites, productivity apps, and ticketing systems PWAs offer a more app-like experience with smooth interactions and responsive design
3 Mobile Applications To provide users with convenient access to services via mobile devices, improving user engagement and accessibility Mobile banking apps, fitness tracking apps, augmented reality (AR) apps, and social media platforms With the growing mobile user base, businesses can expand their reach and provide seamless, on-the-go user experiences
4 Desktop Applications To offer feature-rich solutions that often require offline access, higher computational resources, or have complex interfaces Graphic design tools, accounting software, video editing suites, and productivity tools Desktop apps are ideal for complex tasks that demand heavy processing and are often essential in industries like design, finance, and content creation
5 SaaS (Software as a Service) To provide subscription-based access to software over the cloud, reducing initial costs and offering scalability Project management platforms, email marketing tools, cloud-based accounting software, and collaboration solutions SaaS solutions offer businesses flexibility, reduced IT infrastructure costs, and ease of deployment for various users
6 APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) To enable software systems to communicate and share data seamlessly, expanding functionality and integration capabilities Payment gateways, social media APIs, mapping services, and third-party analytics APIs APIs help businesses integrate various systems, streamline operations, and enhance user experiences by connecting different services
7 Embedded Software To control hardware devices and ensure they operate efficiently, often in real-time environments Firmware for IoT devices, automotive control systems, smart home technology, and industrial automation systems Embedded software drives innovation in hardware solutions, offering intelligent, connected products in sectors like healthcare, automotive, and consumer electronics
8 AI & ML Applications To gather data for advanced analytics, automation, and enhanced decision-making, creating smarter systems Predictive analytics platforms, fraud detection tools, AI-driven customer support chatbots, and recommendation engines AI and ML applications enable businesses to gain insights, automate processes, and deliver personalized experiences

Custom software development offers businesses the flexibility to innovate, improve efficiency, and deliver tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. Choosing the right type for your business will help you achieve your business goals most effectively. 

The Overview of the Custom Software Development Process

The custom software development process involves several stages, from understanding business objectives to delivering a functional product that enhances operations and user experience.

1. Product discovery

The product discovery phase is essential in custom software development because it ensures that the business requirements align with technical possibilities. During this phase, a deep understanding of the project goals, market, target audience, and key features is established, laying the foundation for successful development. 

Understanding business requirements at this stage is critical for several reasons: 

  1. It helps clarify the project’s vision, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page regarding objectives and expectations. Defining the core problem the software will solve allows developers to craft a solution that directly addresses business challenges.
  2. The discovery phase provides an opportunity to assess the market and target audience, ensuring that the final product meets real user needs and delivers value.

The discovery phase also helps in syncing business goals with technical resources. By evaluating the technology stack, potential constraints, and scalability needs early on, software consultants and engineers can offer solutions that are feasible and efficient. This prevents the conflict between business expectations and technical limitations, which could lead to costly rework later.

 2. Tech strategy creation 

A well-defined tech strategy is essential for successful product development and long-term scalability. This strategic foundation guides development, prevents missteps, and optimizes resource allocation.

The tech strategizing process involves selecting the right technologies and platforms that align with both current project goals and future scalability needs. This includes evaluating tech stacks, third-party integrations, and infrastructure. By planning for the long term, businesses can avoid potential roadblocks like technical debt or limitations that might prevent growth.

A tech strategy also outlines a development roadmap that clarifies timelines, milestones, and resource allocation. It ensures that all stakeholders understand the technical trajectory of the project, reducing risks of delays or unexpected challenges. 

A strong tech strategy is not just about coding — it’s about adjusting technologies with business vision, ensuring that the product is built for performance, security, and future expansion.

Create an Effective Strategy for Your Software Product


3. UX/UI design

UX/UI design directly impacts how users interact with the software, shaping both the user journey and the overall usability. A well-designed product is intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable to use, which significantly enhances user satisfaction and retention.

  1. UX design focuses on understanding the user’s needs, pain points, and goals through research and testing. By optimizing the user journey, UX design ensures that users achieve their objectives with minimal effort, resulting in a product that meets both user needs and business objectives.
  2. UI design, on the other hand, focuses on the visual and interactive elements, creating an engaging and accessible interface. However, it’s not just about making things look good — UI design must support usability, accessibility, and responsiveness across devices. 

Together, UX and UI create a cohesive product experience. Well-organized UX/UI process and design are a blend of creative and technical work, requiring deep user research and careful planning. When done right, they not only elevate the product but can also provide a powerful competitive advantage in the market.

4. Development 

During this stage, teams focus on creating the actual product, writing code, and building the system based on created tech strategy, design, and business specifications. This phase can vary significantly depending on the chosen methodology, which helps to define how tasks are approached, managed, and delivered. 

There are several popular development methodologies used in custom software creation.


A traditional, linear methodology where each phase (requirements, design, coding, testing, deployment) must be completed before moving to the next. It’s ideal for projects with fixed requirements and a clear end goal, such as enterprise-level software with detailed documentation and little expected change. 

This methodology is not commonly used in projects right now, primarily because it is quite challenging and costly to plan for business product development in a rapidly changing business landscape


A set of highly flexible, iterative approaches that emphasize regular client feedback and adaptability. Agile is best suited for projects with evolving requirements or when rapid delivery of features is needed. It divides work into smaller increments (sprints), allowing continuous refinement and faster adaptation to changes. 

Examples of Agile frameworks include:

  • Scrum: Divides the project into time-boxed sprints, with high client involvement and frequent feedback. Ideal for MVPs or projects requiring consistent updates.
  • Kanban: Focuses on workflow and continuous delivery without fixed sprints. Suitable for teams handling ongoing tasks or projects in maintenance.
  • Extreme Programming (XP): Aims for high-quality code through practices like pair programming and continuous integration. Great for teams needing fast delivery while ensuring code quality.

Lean Development

Focuses on minimizing waste and delivering value with fewer resources. It’s ideal for startups or projects aiming to optimize both time and cost while still delivering a functional product.


An approach with a great focus on risk assessment that is often used in complex, high-risk projects. This iterative model allows repeated revisiting of each development phase, incorporating changes and minimizing potential risks as the project progresses.


This methodology allows development to start with only a portion of the requirements and refine them with each iteration. It’s ideal when flexibility is required, but teams must manage resources carefully to avoid excessive changes.

Each methodology has its advantages, depending on the project’s requirements, team size, and client needs. Agile methods like Scrum and Kanban are popular in dynamic projects, while Waterfall is often used for more rigid, predictable environments.

5. Quality Assurance (QA)

A solid Quality Assurance (QA) strategy is critical in software development to ensure that the final product is stable, functional and meets the desired requirements. QA helps catch bugs early, preventing costly fixes down the line and ensuring a smooth user experience. By incorporating testing into every stage of development, you can improve the overall quality of the software while reducing time to market.

Here are the most common types of testing.

Comprehensive software testing strategies incorporating these types of tests ensure high-quality software delivery, reduce the risk of post-release issues, and help maintain customer satisfaction.

6. Deployment 

Deployment strategies in software development are crucial for releasing new features or updates while minimizing downtime, risks, and disruptions for end users. Here are some key deployment strategies and their ideal use cases. 

# Name Description Use case
1 Recreate Deployment The old version of the application is entirely replaced by the new one after being scaled down to zero. Suitable for apps that don't require continuous availability or experience low traffic, as this method involves some downtime.
2 Rolling Deployment The new version is gradually deployed by updating a subset of instances one at a time while keeping the old version active until the transition is complete. Ideal for services that need to remain available during the update process. It minimizes downtime and is often used in production environments with a steady user base.
3 Blue-Green Deployment Two environments (blue and green) are maintained, where one is live (blue) and the other is a staging environment (green) with the new version. Once the new version is verified, traffic is switched over to the green environment. Works well for mission-critical applications where downtime must be avoided, as rollback is easy if issues are detected after deployment.
4 Canary Deployment The new version is released to a small subset of users first, allowing teams to test its impact before a full-scale release. Best for situations where you need to mitigate the risk of bugs or performance issues affecting the entire user base. Suitable for gradual feature rollouts.
5 A/B Testing Deployment Similar to Canary, but focused on testing variations of features among different groups of users to gather feedback and determine which version performs better. Useful for teams experimenting with new features or user experiences and wanting data-driven decisions based on user behavior.
6 Shadow Deployment The new version is deployed alongside the old one, but only receives real user traffic in a mirrored manner, meaning users don't directly interact with the new version. Perfect for testing how the new system performs under real-world conditions without exposing users to potential bugs.

The main deployment strategies

These strategies offer flexibility in deploying updates based on the specific needs of an application, ranging from low-risk gradual releases to rapid full-version swaps.

7. Launch & support

After the software is launched, it is essential to provide thorough training to ensure proper use and understanding of the system. Continuous support is key to maintaining the software’s effectiveness throughout its lifecycle. This involves regular monitoring of user satisfaction and software performance to detect any issues, opportunities for optimization, or areas for improvement. By gathering feedback and making necessary adjustments, a development team can adapt the software to evolving business needs, enhance its functionality, and keep it aligned with organizational goals.

Additionally, ongoing support allows the identification of new challenges and emerging demands, which can be addressed through software updates, bug fixes, or feature enhancements, ensuring the software remains a valuable tool for the business.

Understanding the role of APIs in custom software development

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in custom software development. They act as intermediaries that allow different software systems to communicate with each other, facilitating data exchange and interaction. In modern software ecosystems, APIs enhance the flexibility and scalability of applications by allowing developers to integrate third-party services, enabling features like payment processing, user authentication, or social media connectivity without needing to build these functions from scratch.

APIs are particularly important for:

  1. Data sharing and interoperability: Enable seamless communication between different systems, platforms, and applications, allowing them to work together effectively.
  2. Scalability: Help in building scalable applications by allowing the reuse of existing services and frameworks, which can easily be expanded.
  3. Innovation and agility: Foster innovation by allowing developers to build on top of existing services, creating new functionality without reinventing the wheel.

With strategic API development and implementation, custom software solutions can evolve and adapt more efficiently to meet both current and future business needs.

Exploring the Key Technologies for Custom Software Development in 2024-2025

Effective custom software development should be guided by a tech-agnostic approach, meaning the focus is not on selecting one “best” technology, but on choosing tools that align with business objectives. To do this, you or your team should conduct detailed research on frameworks available on the market and compare their capabilities.

Below, I’ll explore key technologies for software development, as well as how to choose the right tech stack for a project.

1. Mobile Development

Mobile app development services nowadays are dominated by a mix of native and cross-platform applications. Native development allows for performance optimization specific to iOS or Android, while cross-platform frameworks offer efficiency by enabling code sharing across platforms.

Key cross-platform frameworks include:

  • Flutter: known for its fast rendering and rich UI components, Flutter has remained a favorite for building apps with high interactivity for the last few years.
  • React Native: popular for its large community and rich ecosystem, React Native allows easy integration with existing code and is widely adopted for businesses looking for faster time-to-market.
  • .NET MAUI: MAUI, a Microsoft tool, is gaining traction due to its seamless integration with .NET, making it a strong contender for enterprise-level applications.

These frameworks for cross-platform app development are ideal for clients seeking cost-effective solutions that work on multiple devices. 

2. Web Development

Web application development services continue to evolve, offering businesses more powerful solutions to build scalable, secure, and high-performance applications. Some of the most popular frameworks include:

  • React.js: dominates the landscape due to its efficiency in building dynamic UIs.
  • Angular: known for providing robust features for large-scale enterprise applications.
  • Vue.js: lightweight and versatile, Vue remains popular for building performant and maintainable web apps.

Server-side technologies like Node.js and Django provide a strong backend for web applications, ensuring scalability and security. Choosing the right framework depends on factors like project complexity, performance needs, and developer expertise. 

Regardless of the chosen technology, it is very important to understand how to develop a reliable architecture for your solution that will ensure efficiency, performance and business continuity. You can read more on different types of web application architecture for a better understanding. 

2. Innovative Technologies: AI and AR

Innovative technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AR (Augmented Reality) are gaining momentum in custom software development. These tools help businesses improve their workflows, enhance user engagements, and get a competitive advantage.

  • AI: AI powers everything from personalized recommendations to predictive analytics. Its growing use in chatbots, machine learning, and automation processes continues to streamline business operations. AI application development can help create innovative products and stay ahead of the competition. 
  • AR: AR technology is being used for immersive experiences in retail, education, and more, blending the digital with the physical world. AR solutions can elevate customer engagement and open new ways for businesses to interact with users. AR app development is also quite specific and requires technical expertise and experience.

When selecting the right tech stack, it’s important to focus on factors such as:

  1. Project requirements: understand the business needs, scalability, and performance requirements.
  2. Team expertise: select technologies that your team is skilled in to reduce development time and errors, as well as maintenance costs.
  3. Community support: tools with larger developer communities tend to offer more resources, libraries, and frameworks for support.

Choosing the right technology for custom software development requires a careful balance of the project’s goals, technical constraints, and long-term business vision and should be done during the tech strategy consulting phase

Challenges and Best Practices for Building Custom Software Solutions

This part of the guide is about the key challenges that can arise during the development of custom software solutions and explores best practices for overcoming them. Topics covered include performance and scalability, accessibility, security, documentation, integration with existing systems, and intellectual property rights. Understanding these elements helps ensure that software is not only functional but also sustainable, secure, and easy to maintain.

1. Performance and scalability

Performance and scalability are critical for ensuring that software solutions can handle both current and future demands. Poor performance can frustrate users, while a lack of scalability may hinder the software’s ability to grow with the business.

To improve high performance:

  1. Optimize code efficiency: Use algorithms that reduce load times and resource consumption.
  2. Load balancing: Distribute traffic across servers to avoid bottlenecks and ensure smooth operation during peak times.
  3. Caching mechanisms: Implement caching to reduce the strain on databases and servers by reusing data when appropriate​

For scalability, it’s important to:

  1. Implement modular architecture: Design the system in modules so that specific components can be scaled independently based on demand.
  2. Consider Cloud infrastructure: Use cloud-based solutions like AWS or Azure, which allow on-demand scaling​.

2. Accessibility

Accessibility ensures that your software can be used by as many people as possible, including those with disabilities. Making your software accessible isn’t just about compliance; it’s about creating a better user experience for everyone.

To ensure accessibility:

  1. Perform accessibility testing: Regularly evaluate your app to identify barriers that might prevent users from engaging with your software. 
  2. Follow standards: Adhere to international standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) when developing your software.
  3. Mobile accessibility: Consider mobile users as well, especially given the surge in mobile app usage. 

Read more about accessibility in our guides:

3. Security

Security is non-negotiable in custom software development. Weak security can lead to data breaches, loss of customer trust, and financial losses. It’s vital to build security in every stage of the development process.

To ensure security:

  1. Adopt secure coding practices: Follow secure development guidelines to minimize vulnerabilities in your code.
  2. Use encryption: Encrypt sensitive data, both at rest and in transit.
  3. Regular audits and updates.: Perform routine security audits and update your software to patch vulnerabilities. 

Software development security is a complex topic that requires additional attention and professional expertise. Read more in our security guides:

4. Documentation

Documentation is vital for maintaining software over time. Without clear documentation, it becomes difficult to troubleshoot, scale, or hand off the project to a new team.

Best practices for software documentation:

  1. Ensure that all features, modules, and processes are clearly documented.
  2. Use version control systems to track changes to both code and documentation.
  3. Write documentation that’s easy for both developers and non-technical stakeholders to understand​.

5. Integrating Custom Software with Existing Systems

Integration of new software with existing systems can be challenging, especially if you have a legacy one. In cases where your system needs an upgrade, consider modernizing first.

This approach allows for the integration of new functionalities, improved user experiences, and enhanced security measures. Additionally, modernizing can streamline operations by eliminating outdated processes and reducing maintenance costs. By taking the time to assess and upgrade legacy systems, you can ensure better performance and greater long-term scalability. Ultimately, this strategic move positions the business to adapt more effectively to future challenges and opportunities.

You can read more about this in our guide on application modernization

6. Software Intellectual Property Rights

When outsourcing custom software development, it’s crucial to protect your intellectual property (IP). IP rights rule out who owns the software, how it can be used, and how it can be modified in the future.

Best practices for IP protection include:

  • Ensure that ownership of the software and its source code is clearly outlined in the contract.
  • Use NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) to protect sensitive information shared with outsourcing providers.
  • Conduct regular IP audits to ensure compliance and prevent disputes​.

By focusing on these areas, businesses can ensure that their custom software solutions are scalable, accessible, secure, well-documented, and compatible with existing systems while also protecting their intellectual property.

Industry-Specific Custom Software Development

When developing custom software for specific industries, there are unique requirements and challenges to consider. Each industry operates under specific regulations, user needs, and operational complexities, which must be factored into the software design process. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to pay special attention to when creating custom software for the healthcare, fintech, retail & POS, and fitness & sports sectors.

1. Healthcare

Healthcare app development involves dealing with highly sensitive information and strict regulations. Key considerations include the following:

  • Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare software must comply with industry regulations, like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) in the U.S. and GDPR in Europe. These regulations protect patient data and ensure privacy. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and loss of trust. HIPAA-compliant software development should be a priority for everyone who is building software for healthcare. 

  • Data Security

With medical records being prime targets for cyber-attacks, strong encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure data storage practices are essential to prevent unauthorized access. Ensuring a high level of data encryption and access control is crucial to protect patient information.

  • Interoperability

Healthcare organizations often rely on numerous systems such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs), lab systems, and diagnostic tools. Custom software must seamlessly integrate with these existing systems, allowing for real-time data sharing and streamlined operations.

  • Scalability

As regulations change and patient loads increase, the software should be flexible enough to scale up without performance issues. This is particularly important for larger healthcare networks where scalability ensures long-term use and growth.

2. Fintech

Fintech software is also highly regulated and handles sensitive financial data. Businesses must focus on:

  • Regulatory Compliance

Fintech software must comply with regulations such as GDPR, PCI DSS, and local financial laws. These standards help protect consumer data, prevent fraud, and regulate payment systems. Meeting the requirements of these regulations is crucial for your business reputation and security.

  • Security

Since financial transactions are prime targets for cybercriminals, robust security measures such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, and fraud detection algorithms are essential. Implementing real-time monitoring and secure coding practices minimizes vulnerabilities. Read more about best practices for mitigating fintech cybersecurity risks and ensuring the security and compliance of financial apps.

  • Integration

Fintech applications must be capable of integrating with a wide variety of financial services, including banking systems, payment gateways, and other external services. This ensures smooth transactions and access to various financial platforms.

  • Performance

Fintech systems must process large volumes of transactions in real-time without any downtime. Optimizing performance ensures fast, reliable, and seamless financial operations, which is critical for customer satisfaction.

3. Retail & Point of Sale (POS)

Retail and POS systems are the backbone of day-to-day operations for stores, so a focus during point of sale software development on user experience and seamless integration is essential:

  • User Experience (UX)

Both employees and customers need an intuitive interface that speeds up transactions and enhances the overall shopping experience. A cluttered or complicated system can frustrate users and slow down operations.

  • Inventory Management

Accurate and real-time tracking of inventory is essential for maintaining stock levels, avoiding stockouts, and improving supply chain management. Custom software should integrate seamlessly with existing inventory systems to streamline these processes.

  • Payment Processing

POS systems must support multiple payment methods, including credit cards, mobile payments, and digital wallets. Ensuring compliance with PCI DSS helps secure transactions and protect customer payment data.

  • Data Analytics and AI

Incorporating data analytics tools and adopting AI point of sale software enable retailers to analyze sales data, customer behavior, and purchasing trends. This data helps inform marketing strategies, provides inputs for AI demand forecasting, and enhances inventory planning and customer engagement.

Hardware Compatibility

POS software must be compatible with hardware like barcode scanners, card readers, and receipt printers to meet business needs. Seamless integration with target hardware ensures smooth operations across multiple devices.

4. Fitness & Sports

Fitness application development requires engaging user features, robust performance metrics, and secure data handling:

  • User Engagement

Fitness and sports applications should provide real-time updates, statistics, and social sharing features to keep users actively engaged. For fitness apps, features like workout tracking and progress reports keep users motivated.

  • Performance Analytics

Professional sports organizations rely on performance analytics backed by AI in fitness apps to track player data, such as health metrics and training progress. These insights including those provided by human pose estimation with AI help coaches and teams make data-driven decisions.

  • Scalability

Sports apps often experience spikes in traffic during events or seasons. Building for scalability ensures the system can handle large fluctuations in usage without crashing or slowing down.

  • Data Security

Protecting sensitive player performance and health data is critical. This includes implementing strong encryption, secure storage solutions, and privacy controls to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Integration with Other Platforms

To maximize engagement, fitness and sports apps should integrate with social media platforms, streaming services, and sports-related applications. This enhances user interaction and boosts the app’s reach.

When developing custom software for a specific industry, it’s essential to understand the unique regulatory, operational, and user experience challenges. Each industry requires a tailored approach, with a focus on integrating smoothly with existing systems while remaining adaptable to future changes.

How to Plan a Budget for Your Development Project

Planning a budget for your software development project involves careful consideration of several factors, as these directly influence costs and timelines. A well-thought-out budget ensures you allocate resources efficiently and anticipate potential expenses. Here’s what you need to pay special attention to when budgeting.

1. Scope of the project

The size and complexity of your software project are primary cost drivers. A simple app with basic features will be far less expensive than a large, complex system with advanced functionality. Clearly defining the project’s scope upfront helps avoid scope creep, which can increase costs as new features or requirements are added during development.

2. Choosing the development team

The cost of the development team depends on the team’s size, expertise, and location. You may choose between:

  • In-house development: generally more expensive due to employee salaries, benefits, and infrastructure.
  • Outsourcing: costs vary depending on the region. For example, developers in the U.S. or Western Europe are often more expensive than those in Eastern Europe or Asia, but quality and experience must also be considered.

3. Technology stack

The choice of technology stack (programming languages, frameworks, and tools) affects costs. Some technologies require more experienced developers and more niche technologies may have higher costs due to limited expertise. Additionally, licensing fees for proprietary tools or software may increase the budget.

4. Design and user experience

Investing in a high-quality user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design is critical but can also increase the budget. Custom designs tailored to your brand and audience generally require more time and expertise than using off-the-shelf templates.

5. Integration with third-party systems

If your software needs to integrate with other platforms (e.g., payment gateways, CRMs, or other APIs), this will increase development complexity and cost. Integration requires additional development time, testing, and sometimes licensing fees for third-party services.

6. Post-launch support and maintenance

After your software goes live, it will require ongoing maintenance and updates to introduce new features and ensure compatibility with evolving technology. Support contracts or hiring a team for long-term maintenance should be included in your budget.

7. Contingency fund

Always plan for unexpected costs. Set aside at least 10-20% of the total budget as a contingency fund to cover unforeseen challenges like extended timelines, added features, or unforeseen technical issues.

By focusing on key drivers like project scope, team size, technology stack, testing, and post-launch maintenance, you can create a realistic budget and avoid unpleasant surprises during development.

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Types of Software Development Contracts

When starting a software development project, understanding the different types of contracts available is also a good thing. Each contract type comes with its advantages and considerations, impacting project management, budgeting, and expectations. Here’s a brief comparison of the key types of software development contracts.

Hybrid contracts combine elements from fixed prices, time and materials, and other contract types to suit specific project needs. For example, part of the project may be fixed-price while other components are billed by time and materials.

Selecting the right type of contract for software development is essential for aligning expectations, managing risks, and ensuring successful project delivery. 

How to Choose a Software Development Provider That Won’t Let You Down

Choosing the right software development company can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve had negative experiences with previous providers. It’s essential to do your due diligence to ensure you collaborate with a company that aligns with your needs and expectations. Here are some key points to consider.

1. Portfolio and experience

Look at the company’s past projects. A strong portfolio demonstrates their capability and experience in delivering quality solutions. Pay attention to projects similar to yours to gauge their expertise.

2. Client testimonials and reviews

Client feedback is invaluable. Check reviews on platforms like Clutch, LinkedIn, or Google. Testimonials can reveal the company’s strengths and weaknesses, helping you understand their reliability and client satisfaction levels.

3. Technical skills and expertise

Assess the technical skills of the development team. Ensure they have expertise in the technologies and methodologies that align with your project requirements. This knowledge is crucial for successful project execution.

4. Communication and collaboration

Effective communication is key to project success. During initial discussions, evaluate their responsiveness, clarity, and willingness to listen. A provider that prioritizes clear communication will likely be more cooperative during the project.

5. Project management approach

Ask about their project management practices. A well-defined process (e.g., Agile, Scrum) indicates that they are organized and can adapt to changes efficiently. This is especially important if you’re concerned about scope changes or project delays.

6. Post-launch support and maintenance

Ensure that the company offers ongoing support and maintenance after project completion. This service is essential for addressing any issues and making updates as needed.

By taking these factors into account, you can make a more informed decision when selecting a software provider that won’t let you down. 

We understand the pain points you may have experienced with previous developers. Many of our clients have come to us after encountering challenges with unreliable service providers. Switching to a new software development team can be challenging, yet it is crucial for the success of your product. To see how we’ve positively impacted our clients, watch our client testimonial video. 

How to Measure the ROI of Your Software Development Project

In software development, Return on Investment (ROI) refers to the potential financial return a business can expect from investing in a custom software project.

Measuring the ROI of software development is crucial for two reasons: 

  1. It helps improve decision-making by adding to the picture a clear understanding of whether the software will generate or save more money than it costs to develop.
  2. It is necessary for budgeting and financial planning, helping ensure that resources are allocated efficiently.

Here’s the general process for calculating the ROI of custom software development:

  1. Identify the costs: You need to take into account all expenses, including both direct (development, implementation) and indirect (maintenance, support, training).
  2. Calculate tangible benefits: Identify measurable financial gains, such as increased revenue or cost reductions.
  3. Assess intangible benefits: Consider non-financial improvements, like enhanced customer satisfaction or productivity.
  4. Calculate the ROI: Use the data collected to perform the ROI calculation and analyze the results to determine if the project is financially viable.


Once you define all costs and benefits, calculating the ROI is simple. The standard formula used is ROI = (Net income / Total investment cost) x 100. This formula gives you a percentage. A figure above 100% indicates a profit, while below 100% signifies a loss.

For instance, if you invest $100,000 to develop a web app and project total benefits of $250,000, your net income is $150,000. Using the ROI formula:

($100,000 / $100,000) x 100 = 150%

This means your ROI is 150%. Whether that is good or not depends on your specific business objectives.

Calculating ROI provides a specific number that helps stakeholders understand the value of the project and makes it easier to secure approval. It acts as a baseline for comparing actual results, revealing areas where improvements can be made.

MobiDev’s Experience in Custom Software Development

Since its inception in 2009, MobiDev has built a strong reputation in the software development and modernization market. With over a decade of experience, we have a deep understanding of our clients’ challenges, including budget constraints, competitive pressures, resource limitations, and the urgent need for quicker product launches. Our comprehensive range of custom software development services ensures that we can address these challenges effectively.

Take a look at some of our clients’ success stories. 

MobiDev Success Story #1: Mood Cow App for Mental Care

Client needs

One of our significant projects involved working on the design and development of a mobile application aimed at assisting individuals with mental health challenges.

Services provided:

  • UX/UI design
  • Cross-platform app development
  • Quality Assurance (QA)
  • Post-launch technical consulting


The Mood Cow app was successfully launched on both iOS and Android platforms. Over the following years, it effectively served both patients and their primary care physicians. This app became a trusted solution for tracking various physical indicators — such as nutrition, hydration, and exercise — alongside mental health factors. 

Thank you for all the hard work you put in for Mood Cow. You committed to work to deliver a product that satisfies me. I sincerely thank you for everything you did for me, from prompt and thoughtful communication, detailed plans and work, thoughtful budgeting to accommodate my personal financial constraints, to overall respect and considerations for me. I am pleased and honored to work with you, and I am looking forward to continuing working with you.

Satoru Isaka

Satoru Isaka

Product Owner at Mood Cow

MobiDev is happy to see the impact our services have had on our clients’ success. Our experience and commitment to quality in custom software development enable us to help businesses navigate their challenges and achieve their goals. 

MobiDev Success Story #2: Human Pose Estimation Platform for Athletes

Client needs

Another project involved the creation of a human pose estimation platform designed to enhance athletic training and performance analysis.

Services provided

  • UX/UI design tailored for athletes and coaches
  • Cross-platform mobile application development
  • Comprehensive testing and QA


The platform provides coaches and athletes with real-time feedback on their performance, improving training efficiency and effectiveness. By leveraging cutting-edge computer vision technology, the application enabled users to monitor their movements and make necessary adjustments to optimize their training regimens.

MobiDev is clearly an impressive organization. Everything from communications, UI/UX, mobile app development, and management skills to strategy and understanding the zeitgeist of technology development…MobiDev has it all.

Scott Deans BeONE Sports

Scott Deans

Founder & CEO at BeONE Sports

MobiDev Success Story #3: Digitalization of Swiss Tourism Using Microsoft Services

Client needs

We also worked on a project focused on digitalizing the tourism sector in Switzerland, aiming to enhance visitor experiences through modern technology.

Services provided

  • UX/UI design for a user-friendly tourism portal
  • Integration of various tourism-related services and APIs
  • Ongoing support and maintenance post-launch


The digital platform significantly improved the way tourists accessed information and services, allowing for a more streamlined and personalized experience. By centralizing various offerings, it enhanced user engagement and contributed to the growth of the tourism industry in Switzerland.

Thanks to the cooperation with MobiDev, we were able to meet our high demands for a backend service quality platform for Swiss tourism. MobiDev convinced us with their excellent software development skills, their solution-oriented and imaginative contributions, and very reliable and high-quality services.

Jon Erni

Jon Erni

CEO of

MobiDev’s experience and commitment to quality in custom software development enable us to help businesses navigate their challenges and achieve their goals. For more in-depth case studies and stories, we invite you to explore our full portfolio.

Develop Your Custom Software with MobiDev

Choosing MobiDev custom software development services means collaborating with a team that brings over a decade of expertise to your project. Our comprehensive services span from strategy and design to development and ongoing support, ensuring that we meet your specific needs and business goals. 

We prioritize quality and innovation, utilizing the latest technologies and methodologies to deliver robust solutions. With a proven track record of satisfied clients and successful projects, MobiDev is dedicated to transforming your vision into reality. Let’s discuss your product development needs today. 

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