Why And How to Change Your Software Development Team Painlessly
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When It’s Time to Change Your Software Development Team and How to Do It Painlessly

17 min read


Choosing the right software development team is essential for the success of your product. But what happens when things begin to go wrong? Deadlines are missed, you spend extra hours managing conflicts or clarifying requirements, costs spiral out of control, or the final outcome doesn’t meet your expectations. These issues can be incredibly frustrating, leaving you with a sense of lost time, money, and competitive advantage. If you’re dealing with these challenges, the article may come in handy. I have been working in software business development since 2007, focusing on the quality of services to our clients, and here I’ll explore the important signs that can indicate it’s time for a change.

Here’s a 1-minute teaser showcasing what I believe are the key signs. If any of this resonates with your current situation, check out the full article to learn more.

 In this article, you’ll find:

  • actionable insights to help you evaluate your current team
  • input about risks of insufficient work with your software development team and even sabotage 
  • recommendations to guide you through the transition process to find a team that can actually deliver.

Key Reasons and Signs to Change Your Software Development Team

You might consider changing your software development team for several reasons, but most of these efforts are driven by the evolving needs of the business or dissatisfaction with the current team’s performance.

Firstly, let’s consider a mismatch with your current business goals. If your current team cannot adapt to shifting market demands or your strategic goals, they may struggle to deliver the right solutions. Business growth, expansion into new markets, or the need for faster product delivery can push for more agile and innovative development teams.

Another reason is unmanaged technical debt or stagnation. When your team lacks the expertise to modernize legacy systems or adopt newer technologies, it can slow down development and limit the scalability of your software. Expertise in technologies like AI, AR, or cloud infrastructure might be needed to keep pace with competition.

Changing your software development team is a difficult decision, but there are clear signs that indicate it’s time to consider this option. Check the list of signs below and see if you are safe or should consider some changes right now:

  • Communication issues: Poor communication between the development team and your team can cause delays, misunderstandings, and overall inefficiency. If you’re constantly facing problems with updates or lack of transparency, it may be time for a change.
  • Missed milestones and deadlines: Consistently failing to meet project deadlines is a strong indicator that your development team is underperforming. Whether it’s due to poor project management, lack of resources, or insufficient technical skills, missed timelines can severely impact your business goals.
  • Low quality of work: If the software product delivered is full of bugs, lacks features, or doesn’t meet the initial requirements, this indicates that the team is not capable of delivering high-quality work.
  • Limited technical knowledge and skills: Your product might require specialized skills, technical knowledge, or experience that your current team lacks. If your team struggles to keep up with specific technologies or industry standards, it could be holding back your project’s potential.
  • No clarity in processes: Teams without a well-structured workflow can cause confusion, inefficiency, and resource waste. If there is no organized project management approach with a clear structure, it can be a sign of deeper issues.
  • High staff turnover: Frequent changes in the team can disrupt the development process and lead to loss of project knowledge. This can result in delays and added costs.
  • Lack of innovation: If your team is not proactive in suggesting improvements or innovative solutions, they may be too old-fashioned or lack the creativity necessary for product growth.
  • Financial mismanagement: If costs are continually rising without clear justification or if your team is going over budget regularly, this could be a sign of poor project planning and financial oversight.

If you don’t experience any of the issues mentioned above, you are safe. If you have noticed one or more of these signs, it’s time to pay more attention to your software development team and consider some action. Addressing these issues in time can help steer your project back on track. However, in some cases, the best decision is to replace the current team entirely to meet your business goals. If you are experiencing more than three signs mentioned above, consider switching to a new team. 

As your business evolves, so should your needs and strategies. You require a software development team that can scale alongside your product’s growth. If you know that your current team isn’t ready for new technical tasks and business challenges, it can mean that it’s time for a switch.

Is it a Good Idea to Switch to a New Development Team in the Middle of the Project?

Switching to a new software development team in the middle of a project can be a tough decision, but in certain cases, it’s necessary. However, it does come with its share of risks:

  1. Knowledge transfer delays: The current team has the full context of the project, including any unwritten insights or technical nuances. Transitioning this knowledge to a new team can take significant time, which could delay progress.
  2. Project downtimes: During the transition phase, the project might experience delays as the new team gets up to speed. This can result in missed deadlines or a slow pace of work at the beginning.
  3. Increased costs: The onboarding of a new team might come with additional costs, such as time spent on knowledge transfer, debugging existing code, and rewriting poorly written code.
  4. Integration and compatibility issues: A new team may have a different approach to project management, development tools, or code practices, which might lead to compatibility issues within the existing project infrastructure.
  5. Risk of lower quality: If the new team doesn’t get a full understanding of the original vision or lacks the right expertise, the final product may not meet the initial standards.

Despite these risks, switching teams can be advantageous if done correctly. Among the benefits are: 

  • Fresh perspective — a new team can bring fresh ideas, solve persistent problems, and improve productivity. Sometimes, a change leads to enhanced creativity and innovation.
  • Better skills match — if the current team lacks the specific expertise needed to move the project forward, switching teams may allow access to the necessary skills or technical proficiency.
  • Improved collaboration and communication — if there have been ongoing issues with communication or cultural alignment, a new team can reset these dynamics.

In the end, while the transition process can be complicated, changing your development team mid-project can be worthwhile if the new team brings added benefits, such as improved skills, better communication, or a fresh outlook that aligns with your business goals.

How to Effectively Hand Over Your Project to a New Team: A Step-by-Step Guide

To ensure a smooth handover when transitioning your software development project to a new team, follow these key steps:

1. Evaluate the situation and decide what should be changed

Before making the switch, conduct a thorough evaluation of why the change is necessary. Are the problems related to communication, technical skills, or deadlines? Analyze the potential risks and benefits of switching teams mid-project to ensure the advantages outweigh the disruption.

2. Set realistic expectations

Understand that the new team will need time to fully understand the project, so adjust timelines and milestones accordingly. Make sure stakeholders are aware of any necessary changes (and possible delays!) in project timelines due to the transition, managing their expectations.

3. Select a new team

Beyond technical skills, ensure the new team aligns with your company’s culture and communication style to prevent future friction and conflicts. Choose a team with the required skills and experience in the specific technologies or business domain that your product needs, avoiding the need for additional training.

4. Secure legal and contractual agreements

Ensure new contracts are in place for the incoming team, clearly outlining the terms of engagement, deliverables, and timelines. Review and secure any intellectual property rights and legal documentation related to the project during the handover process.

5. Give a new team enough time

Ensure the new team has sufficient time to understand the project context, tools, and workflows.  Assign a dedicated team member or manager as the go-to person for questions and clarifications. This ensures the new team can get timely guidance and support. Organize structured knowledge-sharing sessions where the outgoing team or key stakeholders can transfer critical information as this helps the new team understand existing code, architecture, and development practices more effectively.

Assign initial tasks that are small in scope to allow the new team to familiarize themselves with the codebase and development process. Regular check-ins and constructive feedback ensure that the onboarding process stays on track, and any gaps in understanding can be addressed early.

6. Define roles and responsibilities early

Ensure each member of the new team understands their role, responsibilities, and expectations from the start. This prevents confusion and delays in project execution. Establish a team lead or point of contact within the new team to streamline communication and decision-making. Ensure the new team has access to all necessary tools, platforms, and environments. This includes repository access, project management software, and communication channels.

7. Maintain code quality and standards

Implement regular code reviews to ensure the new team maintains the existing code quality and sticks to standards already in place. Ensure the new team follows best practices for version control to avoid any setbacks caused by outdated or conflicting code.

8. Create a backup plan

Prepare for potential disruptions by creating a risk mitigation strategy. This includes backup plans in case the transition doesn’t go as smoothly as expected. Ensure you have additional resources or team members who can step in if the transition leads to unexpected challenges.

9. Maintain continuity of vision

Keep the new team aligned with the original project goals to avoid divergence in direction, ensuring the end result meets business objectives. Maintain continuous involvement of key stakeholders to guarantee that strategic goals are understood and followed by the new team.

10. Post-transition support

Keep a close watch on the new team’s performance for the first few sprints to ensure they have fully adapted and can deliver on the set objectives. Offer ongoing support and clarification during the initial phase after the handover to ensure the new team is fully operational.

These steps ensure that switching to a new software development team is both strategic and smooth, minimizing risks while setting the new team up for success.

4 Best Practices for Switching a Software Development Team

Changing to a new software development team can be complicated, but following best practices ensures a smooth transition. These steps help maintain project continuity, reduce risks, and set the foundation for future success.

1. Prepare comprehensive documentation (if possible)

If possible, prepare detailed documentation outlining the project scope, goals, and objectives. Include both the technical and business requirements. When documentation is missing or insufficient, consider bringing in a Business Analyst (BA) from the new team. This BA can help bridge knowledge gaps by gathering information directly from stakeholders. Ensure the BA has access to both you and any key contact points from the outgoing team to facilitate a smooth transition and clarify project details efficiently.

2. Conduct knowledge transfer sessions

Schedule sessions where the outgoing team walks the new team through the codebase, project history, and any challenges encountered. Ensure that any key stakeholders, such as product managers or technical leads, are involved to offer additional context.

3. Audit existing code

Before fully handing off the project, have the new team conduct an audit of the existing codebase. This will help them identify any potential issues early and align themselves with the existing standards and architecture.

4. Monitor and support transition

For the initial few weeks, monitor the handover closely. Keep communication channels open and encourage regular feedback from both teams to ensure a smooth transition.

Changing a Software Development Team: MobiDev’s Success Stories

Switching software development teams can be challenging, but with the right solution provider, it can lead to significant project improvements. At MobiDev, we’ve helped numerous clients successfully transition from previous vendors, overcoming technical and communication issues to deliver high-quality solutions. Here are some of our success stories.

Success Story #1. SmartTab: Starting Over for Better Results

Daniel, the founder of SmartTab, had previously worked with another software development vendor to create a pilot version of his POS system. Unfortunately, the final product fell well below expectations, leading him to search for a new team capable of delivering the high-quality solution he needed. 

In 2014, we began our collaboration with SmartTab, taking over the project and starting from scratch. Our team’s flexibility and expertise in working with a diverse tech stack allowed us to create a custom software solution that met the business requirements and aligned with his business vision.

Business outcomes of the collaboration: 

Since 2014, SmartTab has grown from an ambitious startup to a market leader, now serving over 700 venues and chains. The SmartTab software has evolved into a comprehensive ecosystem, featuring a POS system, customer app, and AI-powered analytics engine with demand forecasting.

Despite setbacks like the COVID-19 crisis, which caused a 40% drop in the bar and nightclub market, MobiDev and SmartTab maintained steady progress, continually improving the product. By November 2023, SmartTab was robust enough to manage high-volume events, such as San Francisco’s Block Party, serving over 10,000 guests with 51 SmartTab devices.

Watch the testimonial of Daniel Baron, CEO & Founder of SmartTab:

Success Story #2. WFCCA: Upgrading an Outdated Legacy Platform

The WFCCA portal, originally built on a Ruby on Rails stack and hosted on Heroku, served the needs of its members for years. However, by 2022, it had become outdated, and the original development team had shifted its focus away from Ruby on Rails. This left the organization searching for a new development team to take over the project. We stepped in to address these challenges, taking full responsibility for upgrading the legacy code and resolving a range of bugs. Our experience in modernizing legacy systems allowed us to upgrade the platform without disrupting its core functionality.

Business outcomes of the collaboration: 

MobiDev successfully upgraded the WFCCA platform’s code, enhancing its stability and performance. Alongside the technical updates, our business analyst and project manager created thorough documentation to support both the current improvements and future optimizations. Since March 2022, WFCCA members have been benefiting from a more reliable and seamless portal experience.

Success Story #3. Healthcare Provider: Refactoring a Complex Legacy Application

In this project for a world-renowned healthcare provider (its name is under NDA), our team inherited a complex application after five years of development done by a previous vendor. The application’s codebase was disorganized, with different architectural approaches mixed together, compounded by outdated versions of Ruby and Ruby on Rails. The absence of documentation further complicated the transition. Despite these challenges, our team successfully refactored the code and modernized the application, enabling the client to move forward with a more stable and scalable solution.

Business outcomes of the collaboration: 

MobiDev enhanced the app’s code quality by standardizing with Rubocop, improving onboarding and team collaboration. Refactoring and separating business logic reduced maintenance costs, while domain-driven design and thorough QA ensured reliability. We also improved scalability by modularizing the architecture, leading to enhanced efficiency and performance for the healthcare provider. 

In each of these examples, the clients switched vendors due to issues with outdated technology, lack of documentation, or subpar initial development. We navigated these challenges by applying best practices like thorough code audits, phased transitions, and close collaboration with stakeholders, ensuring smooth project continuity.

How to Choose a New (and Better!) Software Development Team

Choosing a new software development team after experiencing issues with previous vendors becomes an even more complicated and critical decision for any business. Here are several recommendations on what to look for in your next team to ensure a successful collaboration:

  1. Look for a team with a proven track record in the technology and industry relevant to your project. It’s essential they have experience not only in development but also in overcoming challenges similar to what your business may face. With over 15 years of experience, MobiDev has worked across various industries, delivering solutions ranging from mobile apps to complex IoT and AI-based systems. Our global presence, with development centers in Poland and Ukraine, means we are always accessible and ready to tackle a broad spectrum of technical challenges.
  2. Transparency in communication, project management, and cost structure is key to ensuring that your project progresses as expected. Make sure your new team offers regular updates, and clear timelines, and is upfront about any potential roadblocks. MobiDev’s commitment to transparency is reflected in our project management approach. Our experienced team ensures that clients are always aware of project status, progress, and potential risks through consistent and open communication.
  3. Another sign of a trustworthy software development vendor is team stability. High employee turnover can lead to disruptions in your project. Look for a team with a solid reputation for retaining talent. The average employee tenure in MobiDev is 5.5 years, providing a stable and experienced workforce for our clients.
  4. Beyond just coding, a great development team should offer tech consulting to help you achieve your business goals. They should bring ideas to the table, improving and refining your product vision. MobiDev doesn’t just build software — our team collaborates closely with customers to provide consulting that can show the ways to enhance the final product. 

Watch one of the testimonials from our clients below: 

Switching teams repeatedly can drain time and resources. A team focused on long-term collaboration is likely to invest more in understanding your vision and evolving with your business. Over 50% of our clients have been working with us for more than 5 years, showcasing our ability to foster long-term relationships and deliver sustainable results. Our team builds solutions that scale with your business over time, so you never have to worry about switching teams again. With a global footprint and experience working across different time zones, MobiDev makes sure that our clients never feel left out, no matter where they are based.

Ready to work with a team you can trust? Explore our software product development services and see how we can help your business thrive.

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