Iurii Luchaninov
Solution Architect

If you ask me what role plays interest in our life, I would say, it’s exactly what fills life with meaning. This is why my hobby is photography – seeing and noticing something new, using high-tech tools and getting inspiring results.

It is the approach I have followed since the very beginning of my career path 17 years ago: I look for interesting problems, challenges, and the most optimal solutions. From my point of view, software product development is like architecture – it should be beautiful, reliable, and functional. Since I joined MobiDev in 2012 as a JavaScript Group leader, this vision has helped me not only set up my personal work but also ensure excellence for my team.

To put it less formally: Software Development, just like construction works, requires careful planning, thorough preparations, and meticulous execution. One always needs a great architect to rely on. I’m glad to be such an architect and take part in creating great web and cross-platform software for businesses around the world. I value great ideas that can become apps that users love. I believe that such apps can be made only with the right tools and the right approach.

Articles written by Iurii Luchaninov:

Application Rearchitecting for the Cloud: Benefits and Best Practices

Understanding And Managing Technical Debt

Application Modernization: a Complete Guide to Aligning Tech Strategy with Business Objectives

CTO’s Guide to Successful Software Refactoring

How to build effective re-engineering strategy

Cloud Application Modernization Guide

Streamlining Legacy Application Migration: Effective Techniques and Insights

A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Legacy System Migration

Application Replatforming Guide

Moving to the Cloud: How to Map Out a Successful Cloud Migration Strategy for Your Application

How to Build One App for Both Android and iOS Platforms

ABAC: Flexible Approach To Access Control In Enterprise Software

Flutter App Development Guide

Comparison of Cross Platform Frameworks

Practical Guide to Modern Web App Development Technologies

WebRTC app development: challenges, use cases, and the future

Video Streaming-Conferencing App Development Guide



Best Practices for Node.js Web Application Development in 2023

How Businesses Get Into the Metaverse

How to Build a Fintech App: Approach, Architecture, and Scalability

The Sunset of Apache Cordova: Alternatives For Cross Platform Mobile Development in 2022


Software Development Trends for Startups

no code platform development


How to Choose JS Framework

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