MobiDev Stands with Ukraine!
While we are incorporated in the US, our R&D offices are in Poland and Ukraine. We know that Ukraine is a beautiful and peaceful country. The Ukrainian people are responsible, talented, and this is a hard-working nation. They are also fantastic software engineers! Our staff value freedom and human rights and are fighting for those values right now. We are all fighting in this war to protect civilization. Every act of defiance against the Russian war effort is a symbol of resistance against imperialism, aggression, and bullying.
On February 24, Russia illegally invaded Ukraine and began a barbaric, unprovoked war. However, what Moscow planned as a victorious march turned into a difficult fight, as the Ukrainian army proved that “the beast” is in fact quite vulnerable. Recently, the battle continues on many fronts: on the battlefield with guns, through economic sanctions, digital attacks through malware and the information that seeks to mask the truth. We support Ukraine on all fronts by all means at our disposal.
MobiDev’s Business Continuity Plan includes the following measures which are being implemented:
Securing people: Most of our engineers in Ukraine and their families have relocated to safe places. According to the company’s business contingency plan, our office in Chernivtsi (a western Ukrainian city, 40 km from the EU border) has become the core operations center in Ukraine. All employees have been provided with laptops for remote work. All the data and infrastructure have been moved to Cloud. This has allowed us to return to regular operation on all accounts and guarantees stability for clients and employees.
Doing business: MobiDev extended our Poland office with Ukrainian engineers to deliver products for our clients from there. We are not shutting down our Ukrainian R&D offices. We’re happy that our clients share the same vision and innovative drive to launch new products with MobiDev even during this trying time. Today, doing business and providing Ukrainians with financial stability is more important than ever. We have implemented additional security measures to ensure that the data of our company and our clients are all secure.
Donating: The National Bank of Ukraine has created a multi-currency account to support the Ukrainian army with donations. Anyone in the world can donate to support the brave defense of Ukraine.
Another great initiative currently ongoing is led by Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher. They launched a fundraising campaign to immediately impact refugee and humanitarian aid efforts.
International support: We want to say Thank You to all governments and nations, who support Ukraine and implement restrictions against Russia. Moreover, we ask you to stop working with Russia. Sanctions are a powerful instrument to push the military machine to peace. Make your stand with your own sanctions.
Tell the true story: Misinformation is one of Ukraine’s greatest enemies right now. Information warfare conducted by the Russian government hides their war crimes in the shadows. However, when we make the effort to reveal the truth, those shadows will vanish. Today it is essential to let the world know the truth. Please be wary of fake news and propaganda spread by the Russian government. Trust only information from official sources, such as the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
MobiDev launches a series of articles of true stories from our employees, who are now safe and relocated from the war zone. We’d like the world to know the truth through their experiences of this terrible war.
As our people continue to be relocated and our operations return to 95% capacity, we are committed to standing up in the face of terror and aggression. We won’t let this war stop us from achieving our vision of an innovative future with our clients. We are continuing to deliver our projects and work closely with our clients to produce solutions that drive industries forward around the world.
Thank you for trusting in us, and thank you for trusting in Ukraine.