RoR-based SaaS Solution for Financial Management of EU Projects

Client and Business Goals:

CERS (Creative Europe Reporting Software) is a product company managing services for cultural organizations. They hired us to develop a SaaS solution that allows cultural corporation projects to account for their financial expenses and report them to the EU.

Project Description:

The platform was a Ruby-based web product for budgeting, accounting, and reporting, and was fully compliant with the Creative Europe program standards.

Applied Technologies:

Ruby, Ruby on Rails 4, Trailblazer, Sidekiq, Vue.js, XLS parsing/generation, PostgreSQL, Ansible (automated server deployment), DigitalOcean cloud, Material Design, prototyping, manual testing, Agile management framework

Ruby on Rails-based SaaS solution for efficient financial management of EU projects
Financial management solution development highlights

Project Highlights:

  • Used Ruby/Ruby on Rails development stack to meet strict deadlines.
  • Implemented a secure cloud solution to meet EU standards.
  • Rapid product launch and evolution with 20 new adopters over 6 months.
Ruby-based Web product for budgeting, accounting, and reporting
Ruby-based Web product for budgeting, accounting, and reporting

Ruby/Ruby on Rails Development Stack to Meet Strict Deadlines

  • Ruby/Ruby on Rails development stack was selected for both the front and back-end. The solution we chose needed to help us deal with our strict time constraints and meet our client’s deadlines. Additionally, it allowed us to use a number of web application development best practices that helped us write the entire logic more quickly and made the code more stable.
Ruby-based Web product for budgeting, accounting, and reporting

Secure Cloud Solution to Meet EU Standards

  • The product was designed for a specific niche – people who receive grants for cooperation projects for Creative Europe. Its key features include: importing budgets with costs and incomes per partner; real-time overview of budgets, expenditures, incomes, and activities; approval of expenditures; secure cloud data storage; reporting system that exports data into official EU documents.
  • We used DigitalOcean technology to build a secure cloud solution with multi-tenant access management. The system distributes access on the application level and tracks the change history.

Product Launch and Evolution With 20 New Adopters Over 6 Months

  • The product was implemented and launched in accordance with the clients’ plans, and their own businesses became their first adopters. We proceeded with further evolution and customization of the product for 20 new adopters over the next 6 months.
  • It was great to meet the client in person in our development center, not only to set new horizons within the product roadmap, but also to feel his enthusiasm and passion.
EU standards program compliance
20+ adopters from the start
Flexible development process
Ruby/Ruby on Rails development stack for both front and back end

Highly professional collaboration for the development of a very specific software solution. The reactions received by our users show that MobiDev did an excellent job here.

CERS founders

Roger Christmann, Founder & CEO and Thomas Kulke, Founder

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